
User permissions

1) We have 2 possible user types: a Car owner and a Driver.
2) Depending on user type, you have different permissions you can see in the following table.
3) Also, there are some permissions, for example - create a rent fee records that allowed to be operated only by our system. So you don't need to do anything, all is working automatically depending on your contract settings.
# Permission Car owner Driver Our system
1 Create, update an ad post
2 Create, update, delete a car
3 Create, update a driver request
4 Create, update, delete a maintenance record
5 Create, update, delete a ticket
6 Approve a driver's payment record
7 View contract details
8 View driver request details
9 View car maintenance records
10 View contract related rent fees
11 View contract related late fees
12 View contract related tickets
13 Create a contract by approving a driver request
14 Create a payment record (+upload of attachments)
15 Create a rent fee records
16 Create a late fee records

How to rent

1) Car owner needs to add a car
2) Car owner needs to create a related ad post and select this car in dropdown
3) After this car owner can send a driver request to the driver by email.
4) If driver with specified email is registered in the system, then he will receive this email with "Approve" and "Decline" urls.
5) If driver is not registered yet, system will create a new driver account and will send login and a pass to specified email with "Approve" and "Decline" urls. By clicking on this urls, driver will be automatically signed into the cabinet.
6) Also driver can check these driver requests from his cabinet and make a decision of Approving or Declining them from the cabinet.
7) If driver approves a request, the system will create a new contract with parameters are specified in the driver request. Status of the contract is "Not started".
8) Car owner should check the terms of the contract, have a call with driver and make some final terms adjustments if it's required. Then he needs to click "Start" button. Contract status will be switched to "Is active".


1) Contract can be created by approving a driver request
2) Then it should be started by car owner
3) Business day starts at 10:30am, ends at 10:00pm (New York timezone)
4) Driver pays money in advance for the next business day
5) If driver return a car before business day ends, then no money for next business day will be charged
6) Depending on contract payment details monthly or weekly payment date can be set. If driver misses the payment at specified date, then system will create a late fee log per each day until required rent fee is paid.
7) To avoid missing of payment date, driver can refill balance in advance by transferring money to the car owner and create a payment log in this system with attached screenshots of successfully money transfer operation.
8) In this case, car owner will receive a notification, check if he receives money and approve this payment log for pushing money to the driver's balance in our system.

Contract Parameters

Each contract has some parameters, car owner can modify anytime. Check details in the following table.
# Parameter Description
1 Deposit, $ Additional security amount
2 Rent Fee, $ Price for a car
3 Rent Fee Period Rent fee for a week or a month
4 Late Fee per 1 day delay, $ Additional fee per each day of a rent fee late
5 Payment Period How often to charge money (every week or every month)
6 Payment Weekly Date When to charge money on weekly basis
7 Payment Monthly Date When to charge money on monthly basis
8 Driver Email Choose the driver email to send proposal to
9 Description Some additional details about the contract

Contract Statuses

There are 4 possible contract statuses. Check details in the following table:
# Status Description
1 Not started The contract is created, but is not active yet. Car owner should click "Start" button to activate a rent fee counter.
2 Started The contract is active. Rent fee counter is active.
3 Stopped The contract is stopped by the car owner. Rent fee counter is not active.
4 Closed The contract is totally closed and can't be started again.
5 Cancelled The contract is cancelled by the car owner or driver before starting.